I was never a big Chainsmokers fan until the third album 'World War Joy' came out. I obviously knew (and liked songs) like Paris and Something Just Like This. But the 3rd album made me explore more of them.
When the first single of 'So Far So Good' came out I was instantly hooked! 'High' was a real banger and I followed the next releases closely. Their live performance videos are also great! After TC4 I'm definitely a Chainsmokers fan and I like their more pop approach. I also think it's a huge sign of growth that Drew sang every song himself and that they used a lot of new cool techniques. For example, I love the way they work with a so called 'LFO Tool'. You can hear this in songs like The Fall and If You're Serious. It made me try new things myself as well.
I personally think this album is their best album yet! But...with TC5 possibly around the corner I might need to change that later ;)
Down below I'll do a breakdown of the individual songs.

Riptide: This song always takes me back to my life in 2022 and I like the relaxed nature of the song. It's pop and it's heavy but it's not too much and a good way to start an album!
High: Even though 'Riptide' is great I think this should've been the first song on the album. It literally starts with 'So Far So Good' and was also the first single. It also has a great mix of everything that can also be heard on the album. I totally dig this song and it's live performance on YouTube from the skyscraper :) It also has the classic different drop on the end of the song. I like that the Chainsmokers tend to do that, because it makes it feel like the songs can go anywhere!
iPad: This is definitely my favourite Chainsmokers song. It has quite simple core with just a few piano chords, but the drop is just great. It's catchy, it's pop and it's danceable! I can listen to this song on repeat for hours and wish I wrote it! ;) (And again, the live performance is so cool with Matt McGuire on the drums!)
Maradonna: I love this song so much! It has everything: an original drop with a weird LFO voice and a smooth transition to a total different section at the end. This one is definitely worth a listen!
Solo Mission: Just like 'Maradonna' there's a weird but cool vocal going on here in the intro. For some reason I love that and want to figure out the words. Anyways, the rest of this song is unique and great too. It also has a beautiful violin section towards the end but then jumps right back into the song. I have a lot of respect for doing that and also for recording the violins live! Drew mentioned that no plug-in sounded right so they went and recorded an actual orchestra. That shows some true dedication!
Something Different: Every song found it's way to me in a different time and in a different way. 'Something Different' was one that I only started to like after a few months when I related to the lyrics. Now it's one of my favourites and I can't recall why I didn't like this song at all.
I Love U: This song could've been a real radio hit like 'High'. It's not as unique as the other songs but it's catchy and has great lyrics. I would never skip it!
If You're Serious: GOD I love this song! The introduction is the LFO Tool I was talking about. In simple language LFO is a way to cut off the sound (and more). You can hear them opening it and closing it throughout the song. It makes room for the vocal and changes the vibe of each section as well. If you wanna know more then I'd recommend watching their interview in the Tapes Notes Podcast. I listened to the whole podcast on Spotify and if you're into producing then it's totally worth it.
Channel 1: This one isn't my favourite but I think that together with 'In Too Deep' it gives the album a different and more emotional side. That diversity is great and makes the album great for every mood and every situation.
Testing: The first time I was like 'WT* is this drop', but then when the kick comes in it's actually great! The 2nd verse is also a lot catchier and goes into a whole different world. 'A world of pure imagination' like Drew sings ;)
In Too Deep: I love this song! With the simple acoustic guitar it really stands on it's own but it's holding up! It's a cool and beautiful song and not something I would expect of the guys. It's one of my favourites and I hope they will make more songs like this on the next albums. Maybe they can even do it on live shows to give a bit more diversity! And then with the last section they can make it flow into another sick song!
I Hope You Change Your Mind: I haven't listened to this song as much as to the others. I don't know why, because it's great! I guess I like the others too much. Or maybe this song still needs to find it's way to me.
Cyanide: Just like the previous song I haven't listened to this one as much as the others. It's worth a listen though and I think they should've placed it higher on the tracklist!
Time Bomb: This one came a little bit after the release of the album. It's nice to hear another voice but I like that Drew is still there! I still want to buy a version of the album that features this song as well :)
The Fall: I don't have to tell anyone what makes this song great. It's the sick effect on the drop! 'The Fall' in itself is a cool song but that drop is the finishing touch! It makes me want to be a DJ and play this in my set!
Why Can't You Wait: I haven't listened to this song as much but Bob Moses' voice is great and goes well with Drew's. It's a really relaxed song and I want to listen to this in the car at night sometime.
BONUS from the So Far So Good era :)
Wish On An Eyelash Pt.2: The Chainsmokers are real heroes for taking this 1 minute song and turning it into a cool catchy song. Mallrat has a great voice and this song would not have fulfilled it's full potential without the guys!
Make Me Feel: If you ask me this song is also part of the album. It's from the same era with same purple colors and it's a great song for clubs and festivals. Sadly, I've never heard it live in one of these places but maybe I'll play it myself once when I learn how to DJ ;)
So Far So Good guys!